Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Taylor Hicks Q&A

Fanscape recently had the chance to ask Taylor Hicks a few quick questions. Here's what our latest American Idol had to say:

Fanscape (F): How would you describe the sound of your new album?
Taylor Hicks (T): Modern Soul. It’s soulful, funky blues.

F: Is it true that we can expect a book from you in the future?
T: Yes, my book will hopefully be out next spring.

F: Do you remain close with any of the other Idols?
T: Yes, I see them often. I hope they are doing well!

F: You start touring in February - are you excited, nervous…or just tired?
T: Excited, nervous and tired, all in the same breath.

F: Who would you love to perform with or tour with?
T: Van Morrison

F: You have over 26,000 friends on MySpace…do you ever have a chance to check the site out and see all the messages from your “very” devoted fans?
T: Yes!

So, mistletoe…celebrity? Who would it be?
T: Hannah Storm

F: Do you have any New Year’s resolutions?
T: To exercise more.
There you have it! Taylor's self-titled debut album was released last week, make sure you pick up your copy today!



Blogger mcbrooks78 said...

I just want to say that my husband I love Taylor Hicks! We voted every week for you during the American Idol. For christmas I purchased my husband your new cd and concert tickets to your jacksonville, fl concert in february. However, my husband and I were listening to your new cd for the first time and we were disappointed. We feel as though the cd reflects nothing of the magical talent that you have and it just was not the southern rock - n - roll Taylor hicks we have grown to love. We are hoping that your concert will be different and more magical. We understand that there are circumstances of producers and record labels, but please don't let anyone deter you away from the music you know best. I hope on your next albumn we will hear some of the good alabama rock - n - roll that we love to hear you sing a little of that jazz and blues mixed with little twang and rock. We love you and want to continue supporting you so please bring back our taylor hicks!

6:29 PM  

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