Thursday, February 22, 2007

We can't really call ourselves bloggers until...

...we post something about Britney Spears. Her latest fiasco? Beating the living daylights out of an SUV with an umbrella. Rumor has it that the SUV belonged to K-Fed...and that her mom drove her there. Yep...I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried! What ever the reason, one fact remains solid and true -- biotch is nuts! Here's a pic:

Poor SUV never stood a chance!
And just for good's a pic of the old Britney, the sweet and innocent Britney.
I don't know about you, but I like the new Brit a whole lot better!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it was a papparazzi's (sp?)car. regardless, she's craze.

11:54 AM  

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