Fansperiment #1
After a long morning of new media marketing, we Fanscapers are ready to blow off some steam. For today's lunch hour we decided it was time we got our own piece of the latest viral video pie. :D
For the past week the Internet has been LOUSY with videos of Diet Pepsi-Mentos explosions and as of right now, well, it just got a little bit lousier.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you: Fanscape's own loser-generated-content, FANSPERIMENT #1.
Special thanks to fantern Zack for putting himself in harm's way for the sake of our fansperiment and also to Sam's Mac.
Note: Diet Pepsi with an entire pack of mint Mentos dissolved into it is fairly gross. I know 'cause I tried.
For the past week the Internet has been LOUSY with videos of Diet Pepsi-Mentos explosions and as of right now, well, it just got a little bit lousier.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you: Fanscape's own loser-generated-content, FANSPERIMENT #1.
Special thanks to fantern Zack for putting himself in harm's way for the sake of our fansperiment and also to Sam's Mac.
Note: Diet Pepsi with an entire pack of mint Mentos dissolved into it is fairly gross. I know 'cause I tried.