Monday, January 22, 2007

Cool Contest Alert!

Fanscape and Dabble bring you The Take Action Tour 2007 Dabble Contest! Compete to win tickets to a Take Action Tour concert in March, 2007!
To participate, make a playlist of videos of footage from the Take Action Tour bands in concert -
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Emery, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, A Static Lullaby and Kaddisfly - any footage that’s online at any site. Check out what Take Action Tour has already collected here! After you make your playlist, tag it with the tags Take Action Tour and Contest and people can then vote by favoriting the playlist (or playlists) they like best.
The winner is the person who gets the most favorite votes on any single, appropriately tagged playlist.
The contest starts today, January 22, and runs until 5:00pm PST, February 12. Three pairs of tickets will be given away - that means the top three win! The sooner you make a playlist the longer you’ll have to collect votes - so get going!
Check out all the contest details here:
The Take Action Tour 2007 Dabble Contest